Adinal, specialized in ingredients and texturisers
for the food industry, cosmetics and industrial applications requiring the use of thickeners or gelling agents.
Ingredients and texturisers for the food industry
Welcome to Adinal, a human scale company specialising in food texturisers.
Provide business expertise, meet all expectations related to texture. Connecting food ingredient manufacturers with the food industry
We select and provide on the French market ingredients and food additives for the food industry.
We specialise in food texturiser agents (thickeners, gelling agents, stabilisers) which improve the texture of a final product without altering its taste.
We offer an appropriate, targeted choice of food ingredients and additives for a whole range of areas of application.
Our expertise consists in fully understanding their properties, in order to advise clients in the development of their recipes and support them effectively in the industrialisation and continuous improvement of their products.
We offer, among the texture agents on the market, essentially three families of products:

Seaweed extracts, seed flours, fermented products and functional flours. These ingredients increase the resistance or smoothness of many products intended for human or animal consumption (creams, sauces, ready meals, mousses and purees, processed meats, spreads, pâtés, etc.).

Nutritional ingredients
Cereal products and dietary fibre. These are used not only in breads, cakes, pastries and cooked dishes, but also in processed meats to improve their nutritional profile.

Process ingredients
Improvers and dusting flours. These products have particular characteristics for adaptation to industrial manufacturing processes.
Reliable partners,
a wide range of texturing ingredients
In the course of over 17 years, we have established trusted partnerships with leading European and Asiatic companies for which we are the exclusive partner in France or in Europe. We choose these companies carefully and guide their commercial development vis-à-vis food industry manufacturers.
Since 2022, we have been marketing our own hydrocolloid-based texturizing solutions and systems.
Identify the right texturing ingredients for the food industry
Above all, our job is to fully understand products and the needs of our customers, through active listening, in order to offer them the best solutions for achieving their objectives.
That is why we have developed cutting-edge expertise, both in terms of knowledge of ingredients and their properties and of understanding industrial manufacturing processes.
Proactively advising clients and principals, effectively supporting them in the development of their recipes and creating the conditions for their commercial success is our core business.

Food sector companies and industry
Our products and services are designed for companies and industrial manufacturers in the food sector located throughout France, from family-run SMEs to companies of international scope.
Meat, fish, ready meals, breads, biscuits, pastries and desserts, animal feed and pet food, confectionery – these are a few of the many areas of application of our food ingredients and texturisers.
We maintain a relationship of trust with our customers, based on our reliability and discretion. We respect the strictest confidentiality when it comes to the R&D processes in which we are required to collaborate.
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